Apartier de este dibujo hicimios una intervención creada por nosotros
miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014
domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014
Essay: "The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde"
In the class of L/L Writing we learn to write an essay and we have to wrote one about "The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde", in my essay we are going to talk about the themes.
“The Strange Case
of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde”
By Robert Lois
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Lois Stevenson. It talks
about how a scientist called Henry Jekyll divides the human soul into its good
and bad side. By doing this, something unexpected happens with the potion and
he kills himself and his “bad side” called, Mr. Hyde. There are three themes
considered important the duality of human nature, the importance of reputation
and the guilty vs the innocent.
The duality
of human nature tries to show what the division of the human soul can symbolize.
It symbolizes that we are made of supposedly
“evil side” and a “good side”. In the story , Hyde starts to dominate
Jekyll till he kills Jekyll. At the beginning, Utterson can not believe that
Jekyll and Hyde are the same person. Hyde's appearance makes him look like a
primitive animal and also by showing how he reacts depending on the situation.
"Between these two I now felt I had to choose. My two natures had memory
in common, but all other faculties were most unequally shared between them. Jekyll
(Who was a composite)" [...] "But Hyde was indifferent to
Importance of reputation mainly talks about how Jekyll and Hyde try not to make
the potion public and also, Hyde public. Jekyll only tell it to their two
trully trusted friends, Utterson and Enfield. Utterson suspects Jekyll of
hiding Hyde from the police from the murder because of his reputation and also
of his friendship with Utterson. "But mostly to preserv the order" nd
don't make everyone enter in panic. "My good Utterson" [...] " I
believe you fully; I would trust you before any man alive".
The Guilty
vs the Innocent explains the characters in a way that Hyde and Jekyll are the
guilty ones. Jekyll can be guilty for making the posion but innocent for do not
knowing that Hyde would kill him. Hyde is guilty for the murder of the little
girl. Utterson, Poole and Enfield are innocents about being trully and trusty
friends with Jekyll but they are guilty about not telling the truth. The most
important things in the Victorian era is the reputation and being well-known in
that time. "I thus drew steadily nearer to that truth by whose partial
discovery I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck".
the themes can show a lot of details of the characters that are not written in
the book they can explain why Utterson and Enfield never talk about Hyde or the
potion, the division of the soul and which characters are guilty and which ones
are innocent. These are some of the themes I think that are the most important
but I think that the most important theme is the one of the duality of human
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
En este trabajo tuvimos que usar el circulo cromático que fue el trabajo anterior y luego tuvimos que usar los dos colores contrarios y sus suplementarios en este caso use el amarillo y violeta como contrario:
Abstraccion representar una plabra
En este la profesora Florencia Barletta nos dijo una palabra y la tuvimos que representar en un dibujo, en mi caso mi palabra fue DIVERSIÓN .
Historia de figuras geométricas planas
En este dibujo tuvimos que observar los dibujos de nuestros compañeros y a partir de eso teníamos que elegir uno y crear una historia luego dibujarla, así quedo mi dibujo:
jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014
Best friends without codes
In the subject of L/L Writing,we have to created a short story, we studied how to writed, and we have to end with this last phase: "And that was the last time she ever saw them"
Best friends without codes
Once upon a time, there were two best friends
called Alan and Oriana. Oriana was 17 years old, she was a beautiful girl, so
tidy, she was tall and with brown hair. Alan was 19 years old, he had black
hair and he was very tall. They had known each other since they were three
years old because their were high school classmates and they ended up being
good friends, and going to the same school as their parents. One day they were
eating lunch at school, everyone had brought their food and sat together,
separated from their classmates, when Alan started talking and he invited to
his house for dinner.
"What time do I have to go to your house
for dinner?" asked Oriana.
"I’ll pick you up" replied Alan
"Well, can you pick me up at half past
nine at home?" asked Oriana.
"Sure, yeah anytime", answered Alan.
Alan liked Oriana, and Oriana liked Alan but
none of them knew they liked each other. Oriana went home and Alan returned to
his house. While Oriana took a shower and was getting ready to go to Alan's
house, he was with another girl, he was with Oriana's best friend. Oriana knew
nothing about this. Her friend called Carolina
did not care that their friendship was broken with it. Then she began to love
it more.
While Oriana finished preparing, Alan had
already changed and arranged to see her. Oriana got a call,
"Are you ready?" asked Alan.
"Yeah, you can come" replied Oriana.
Alan picked her up, he was very punctual.
Oriana got in the car. After a few minutes Oriana was very embarrassed. When
they reached Alan's house, Oriana was a little uncomfortable.
After dinner, they followed with some
conversation. At one time the bell rang, Alan was going to open the door when Oriana's
best friend, Carolina
appeared. When Oriana heard the voice of her best friend she went to the door
and Carolina
was there and she asked,
"What are you doing here Carolina ?" asked Oriana
"I am coming to see my boyfriend,
Alan" said Carolina
"Alan is your boyfriend?", asked
Oriana to Carolina
"It is my boyfriend, we have been together
for two weeks now" said Carolina .
"But he is on to something with me!"
exclaimed Oriana.
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014
New Report
A mysterious case…
A ten year-old girl was in her house alone while her mother was at the supermarket. The girl went outside and she forgot that the door was open. She did not realize it. While they were outside two thieves came in and stole many things form the house.
The thieves stole a hockey stick, an x box one, an IPad, a TV, a notebook and some luxurious jewelry. When they returned home, they found out that everything was a mess and that some things had disappeared. The mother scolded the girl and asked her not to leave the door open again.
They called the police and they arrived 3 hours later. The police searched for clues, but, unfortunately, there were no clues. Finally, the only thing they did was to tell the mother and the girl to be more cautious next time.
The neighbors told the police that they had seen the thieves enter the house, but that they had not been able to recognize any familiar face because they were wearing masks.
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014
Intervención: Autorretrato
En la clase de Lengua,Tic's y Plástica estuvimos trabajando con unas intervenciones en el colegio, tuvimos que intervenir una imagen de nosotros poniéndole capas de fotos de la intervención en el colegio. Para intervenir la imagen tuvimos que usar Pixlr como primera herramienta y utilizando otras paginas: haci es como quedo mi trabajo.
Hierro (Fe)
En la clase de Físico Química estuvimos trabajando con la tabla periódica. Tuvimos que elegir uno de los elementos e investigar sobre el mismo para luego trabajarlo en una presentación.
domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014
Tinkerbell, by Jeffrey M.Howard, is an excellent film that takes place in “Fairyland”. This film is about a fairy that does not like her power. On the contrary, she likes her friend’s powers best.
The problem begins when Tinkerbell gets to know that she will become a craft fairy, and she does not want to have such a stupid power. She wants to have the same power her friends have, but she cannot.
It is a great film I liked it very much. I think it is great how the problem is solved. It is a film for children or to watch with your family.
I recommend it for all the family, but mostly for kids, because it is a fantasy movie and it is very funny for them.
martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014
Tinker Bell
This film is about a fairy. This fairy is called Tinker Bell. She had a lot of friends and she lived in a kettle, in "Fairyland" with her 2 friends called Clank and Bobble who were craftsmen.
The problem was that Tinker Bell's friends had different powers. One was the fairy of the water, and the other one was the fairy of the animals. She wanted to have another power, but she couldn't. So, she started to practise. Then, she realized that she would never have any other power. She felt bad and sad.
In the end, Tinker Bell was happy with her power and all her friends were happy because she realized that her power was amazing!
domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014
Diary Entry
April, 1889
Dear Diary,
April, 1889
Dear Diary,
It is raining and all the sky is black, today
is a bad day, because drinked the potion that I finished created yesterday. I
am so disappointed of me. I hurt a lot of people and that is wrong, and I can
hurt more people, but that potion is addictive so if you drink the potion once,
you can not stop drinking the potion, but I have to stop. I have to hide the
potion very well, because someone can enter to my laboratory and could take my
potion, and that can hurt more people. I want to know if the potion is
definitive or not, but for that I have to drink the potion again. I suffer a
lot when I transform in hyde because the hair goes inside me and my face
changes to one that is horrible. I don’t know what I can do!
I need help but nobody can help me the only one
that can help me is Jekyll because he is the only one who knows my secret.
Tomorrow will be another day, I will go to
Video Poesia
El dia 16 de mayo, fuimos de excursión al museo MACBA (museo de arte contemporáneo de Buenos Aires), luego observar una gran cantidad obras, en la clase de lengua decidimos entrar a la pagina de MACBA y elegir una obra, buscar su autora, luego buscamos mas obras de la misma autora. Debíamos inspirarnos en las obras y realizar un poema con los sentimientos que nos causaban, y crear un video
Julia Masvernat:
Julia Masvernat:
viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014
Je parle de moi
Je m' appelle Martina, j' ai treize ans, je suis etudiente, j' habite avec mes parents, rue San Miguel 1467. Mon anniversaire, c' est le 12 avril.
J' aime le sport surtout le hockey, j' adore les pâtes, je déteste étudier, je fais de la moto, je joue au hockey. Je ne pratique pas le basket(ball).
Je suis petite et mince, je mesure 1 mètre 50. Je pèse 38 kilos. J' ai les yeux grands, mens yeux sont morron verdâtres. Mes cheveux sont (long) plutôt courts. Je ne porte pas de lunettes. Je suis patiente, ouverte, sportive, bonne élève et bavarde.
I don't know what happend to me, but what I can say is that it is beautiful to help children. Since I was child I have had horrible nightmares which scared me a lot. My parents read stories before fall asleep but the nightmares continued. But today I am happy to be able to transform the nigthmares into sweet dreams to childre.
One day when I was 15years old we went camping with my friends. I was very tired after having played hockey. After lunch, I got sleepy and fell asleep under the shadow of a tree. While sleeping pleasantly, a butterfly landed on my nose and dropped a magic dust that I inhaled. After 24 hours, when I had come to my house, I felt something on my back. I went to look myself at the mirror. I had fairy wings and look at my new clothes! Aren't they beautiful?. I could not believe what was happening.
One nigth, the son of my father's friend was havinga nightmares and he was crying a lot. I don't know how, but I could get into his dream and I could chage it to something so cute that he will always remember this pleasant dream. After that, a new star was in the sky. And so it began. Every night, I help children who need my help.
En la clase de Historia estuvimos trabajando sobre la Edad Media. La Edad Media es un periodo que comenzó en año 476 con la caída del Imperio romano de Occidente y finalizó en 1453 con la caída del Imperio Bizantino. Una de las principales características de esta época fueron los feudos. En base a esta importante característica realizamos un trabajo práctico que consistió en buscar datos históricos sobre un feudo en particular, y en base a él desarrollamos las diferentes consignas dadas. Esta es la primera parte.
Localización del feudo:
Nuestro señorío se encuentra en Vizcaya. Vizcaya es una provincia de España y un territorio histórico de la comunidad autónoma del País Vasco, heredero del antiguo señorío de Vizcaya. Su capital es Bilbao.
Este es el escudo del señorío de Vizcaya que nosotros diseñamos. Cada símbolo tiene un significado diferente. Esos significados se relacionan con los diferentes valores que representan a nuestro señorío. A su vez los colores también forman parte de los valores del mismo.
Los colores:
El dorado significa generosidad; mientras que el blanco o plateado significa la paz y la sinceridad; en tanto que el rojo significa guerrero, fortaleza y la magnanimidad; finalmente el azul significa la verdad y la lealtad.
Generosidad/Magnanimidad: Porque en este feudo tanto los señores feudales como los vasallos trabajaban juntos por el bienestar de todos.
Paz: Si bien se supone que los señores feudales amaban la guerra, en este feudo siempre se tendía a conservar la paz.
Sinceridad/Verdad: La mentira era uno de los delitos más castigados en estas tierras.
Guerrero: Tanto para proteger la paz como la tierra y a sus habitantes, siempre estaban dispuestos a luchar.
Fortaleza: Física y espiritual para trasmitir valores del feudo.
Lealtad/Fidelidad: A los señores feudales, a los vasallos, a las tierras y a Cristo estaban dispuestos a entregar sus vidas.
Los símbolos:
Los anillos simbolizan la fidelidad; en tanto que las flores de lirio simbolizan la pureza; mientras que leones simbolizan el coraje impávido; finalmente las cruces simbolizan a Cristo y el cristianismo.
Pureza: De espíritu, gente simple viviendo simplemente.
Coraje: Audacia sin límite para defender sus creencias.
Cristo y Cristianismo: La religión profesada por todos sus habitantes.
viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014
Composición de figuras geométricas planas
Para este dibujo tuvimos que pensar en nuestra palabra anteriormente elegida (pasión-amor) y crear un dibujo abstracto sobre el mismo. Pintarlo con tempera y luego resaltar algunas partes con lapices de colores.
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