domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

How young people feel about aging

The principal aim of this report is to provide a description of how young people feel about aging. Also to see the attitudes they have respect the aging.

People have two types of views and feelings about aging. Some young people are afraid of getting old, and they have to achieve many responsibilities. There are also young people who do not want to grow old because they do not want their life to pass quickly, and not be able to achieve their goals. The other point of view that the young people have is that they admire the elders since they have a long life and know much more than the young people. They also think that they are perfect people, since they can give you good advice or help you in what you need. That is why the young people respect them a lot. 

The following recommendations are to improve the way young people feel about aging:

1- Young people have to be encouraged by the elders or adults to be able to achive their goals.
2- They also have to teach them to be responsible and take care of their things.
3- Young people have to learn to enjoy their life and so they will not feel that life passes quickly.

If you follow these recommendations this situation will improve.

¿Los gérmenes evolucionaron?

En la materia de Biología estuvimos trabajando con la evolución, entonces tuvimos que buscar una publicidad en la que hiciera referencia a la evolución, en este caso yo elegí la publicidad de Lifebuoy, que es de un jabón y según lo que dice la publicidad elimina a todos los gérmenes. 

En la publicidad de Lifebuoy podemos escuchar que dice que "Pero un jabón esta ayudando a que estén mas protegidos, el jabón contra bacterias..." Esto es erróneo ya que algunos gérmenes sobrevivirán a este jabón porque el componente químico no les afecta, sin embargo puede ser que algunos de ellos no sobrevivan. Los gérmenes que sobrevivan es porque tienen un alelo especifico que haga que sobrevivan al los químicos que tiene el jabón. Estos logran vivir y forman una población de gérmenes que porten este alelo especifico. Entonces todas las poblaciones que tengas este alelo especifico va a sobrevivir al jabón. En este ejemplo podemos ver la evolución por selección natural, ya que se produce un cambio de frecuencia de alelos de una población. Otra cosa para mencionar que un germen no evoluciona, lo que evoluciona es la población.